Posted in August 2012

Hump-day struggles

So, yesterday was not my day. I woke up not feeling so hot, but still able to function. When I left for work I locked the door behind me and went to get in my car. Insert panic-attack. I had locked my keys inside my house. Meaning I was locked out of both my car … Continue reading


I decided to jump on the Marvelous Monday train. Why not jump on any opportunity to put a little something special into this dreaded day of the week? -The fact that, because of Labor Day, I have a 4 day week, a 4 day weekend, and then another 4 day week. Wow, it feels like … Continue reading

Embracing the grey area.

A common trend in people who have or have had eating disorders is “black and white”  or “all or nothing” thinking. I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately. Back when I was suffering from an ED and even into my recovery, my thoughts and decisions always had to be one extreme. I could never … Continue reading

Starting fresh.

So, in some hormonal frenzy I deleted my first two posts. I was paranoid that they didn’t capture the true essence that is Andrea. But, they were things I needed to get out of my system and write, whether or not the world saw them. So, let’s just move on to more important things. Like … Continue reading