Starting fresh.

So, in some hormonal frenzy I deleted my first two posts. I was paranoid that they didn’t capture the true essence that is Andrea. But, they were things I needed to get out of my system and write, whether or not the world saw them.

So, let’s just move on to more important things.

Like vacations.

I spent last week in Cape Cod with my entire family. I’m the youngest of four girls (plus our significant others, plus a nephew and a friend).. It was a full house.

our beach house for the week

I always love vacations because they allow me to break out of routine and let in some adventure and relaxation. I’m definitely a creature of habit, so being more spontaneous is something I’ve been actively working toward.

ben and I at a parade

If you asked me a few years ago, I probably would have said vacations were more stressful than relaxing. This is probably the first vacation where i’ve felt free from anxieties. I used to freak out if any of my routine was shaken; what time i went to bed, what time I ate my meals, whether or not I exercised. It was so different this time. I stayed up later, slept in (ok that’s like 7:30 for me), ate meals at weird times, ate ice cream for lunch, and only stepped foot in the gym once in 7 days. And it felt… good.

view from the booze cruise!

I’ve definitely grown more mature in the past few years and have really started to focus on what matters most to me. My family only gets together like this once a year, we are all spread out over the country. So, when I asked myself “what’s really more important here, soaking up every moment with my family, or getting to bed by 10?” The answer was pretty obvious.

handstand contest with the sisters on our last family vacation in Maui

I always seem to leave a vacation with a fresh perspective. I leave craving some productivity, some organization, and some normalcy in my routine again. It’s funny how these are the things we dread, and then we take vacation and all of the sudden we crave them again.

daisy needed a vacation. clearly.

The 9-hour turned 12+ hour drive home, however, was kind of a buzzkill. I loathe being stuck in the car. I even struggle through my morning commute. But, luckily we arrived home safely, sun-tanned, and well-rested. Except not really, because I’ve been sleeping for 10+ hours a night, and needing a nap in the afternoon, despite having some awesome nights sleep in Cape Cod. Wtf? I must need a vacation from vacation. I don’t know.

Daisy and I on our last day of vacay

When was your last vacation? Where did you go?

Night everyone!

4 thoughts on “Starting fresh.

  1. gosh I want your dog… I digress… this is an amazing post. I too felt this freedom on vacation I have not felt in a while. I loved it, i wanted more. I need to remember those moments when I feel stuck in routine because it makes me realize life isn’t about rigidity.

  2. So funny – my last vacation was in Hawaii, as well! One year ago in Kauai. This year, in September, I’ll be going on a “romantic getaway” (hehe) with my boyfriend in Newport, RI. We live in Boston so it’s hardly far away, but I’ve only ever been for New Year’s Eve…and naturally, the beaches and beautiful sites weren’t accessible! I have lived in Boston since 2007 and have yet to go to Cape Cod…crazy! How did you like it?
    My name is Alli, by the way 🙂 I like your first 2 blog posts, and think we have a lot in common…although I think you’re further along in your recovery! See ya around the blogosphere; I’ll definitely be reading!


    • Hi Alli!
      Thanks so much for reading 🙂 I loved cape cod- it was such a relaxing place. Perfect for a restful vacation. Romantic getaways are the best, aren’t they 😉 Newport is great, too! I love it there.
      I’m itching to get back to Hawaii though! I feel in love with everything about that place. So beautiful!

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