Embracing the grey area.

A common trend in people who have or have had eating disorders is “black and white”  or “all or nothing” thinking.

I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately. Back when I was suffering from an ED and even into my recovery, my thoughts and decisions always had to be one extreme. I could never function in the middle of the spectrum.

If I don’t undereat, I might as well just overeat.

If I fail this exam, I might as well just stop trying. 

Looking back, I find it kind of funny, because i’ve learned that life operates in the grey area. Life doesn’t happen in black and white, and thinking that way only takes away our sense of balance and moderation.

Moderation was so scary to me because it was so unknown. My type A personality likes to plan and know what’s coming next. The grey area is not defined, therefore it scared me to death.

Now, whenever I catch myself thinking in black and white, I immediately think of a solution that is a compromise between the ‘black’ and the ‘white’ thought, and give myself a little more credit. It takes a lot of the stress out everyday situations and gives me more balance in my life. I’ve learned to look at the grey are in a whole new light. Rather than fearing it, I embrace it. Life is exciting and we never know what’s in store. If we go along fearing everyday situations and avoiding things, our life will pass us by before we know it. And that’s the scary part.

Have you ever dealt with black and white thinking?




2 thoughts on “Embracing the grey area.

  1. oh my so freaking right. I did a post about this a while back because I fear I still live in that black and white thinking. I still have many aspects of my actions that are in that black and white, I hate that. it is tough because the gray is so normal for people yet for me it is hard to find that gray area and feel comfortable in it. Even harder to articulate as I realize this comment probably made no sense.

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