A change of plans.

Remember when I said I was feeling better? Well, that didn’t last long. I woke up the next morning with a higher fever, sore-er throat, etc. Long story short, I have strep throat and i’ve been out of commission all weekend. No fun long weekend activities for me. Just many, many hours on the couch and more movies than I’ve watched in an entire year.

Since I can’t really think straight and the antibiotics are jacking up my stomach, I think a survey is in order! Without further ado..

Breakfast questions!

1. Favorite cereal as a child? 

I was a cereal fiend as a kid. My pantry was always full of sugar-laden cereals. I’m gonna have to go with either Lucky Charms or Cinnamon Toast Crunch. I also loved Fruity Pebbles. Or Cheerios covered in sugar. MMM.

2. Coffee or Tea? With milk or without?

COFFEE!!! I usually drink it black when I make it at home. If I get an iced coffee out, I usually add some cream and sugar since I don’t do it often. And it tastes damn good.

3. The one food you eat most often at breakfast?

Probably eggs. I rarely go a day without them. They are one of the foods that my body just thrives off of. I always have fruit with breakfast too!

Lunch Questions!

1. Sandwiches are generally considered a “lunch food.” If you had to choose between a grilled cheese and a peanut butter and jelly, which would you pick?

Grilled Cheese, all the way! I always crave a savory lunch since my breakfasts/morning snacks are usually sweet. I love melted cheese. It’s my weakness.

 2. You can only put four ingredients in your salad (not including greens); what do you throw in the mix? Additionally, which greens and dressing do you pick?
I love romaine lettuce. For toppings i’d choose avocado, chickpeas, feta, and chicken. Although I usually have more toppings than that! For dressing, I’m an oil/vinegar girl, or any balsamic-y dressing. I love the flavor of it!
3. One food you can’t live without at lunch?
Lunch is always different for me. I don’t really have any lunch staples. I usually try to have some vegetables and a good amount of protein, though. Usually in the form of tuna, chicken or eggs.

Dinner Questions!

1. It’s the end of the day. You’re tired, hungry, and your fridge is empty. If a fast food (from a chain) is your only option, where do you go and what do you order?

 I don’t go to a lot of fast food restaurants because there really aren’t many around me. If ordering pizza counts, then pizza it is! I love delivery pizza.

2. TV/computer on or off while you’re eating?

It depends if i’m alone or not. If i’m alone I usually watch tv or browse the web. I know, guilty as charged. If i’m eating with people, I turn everything off! One of my biggest pet peeves is when people are on their phones at the dinner table.

3. The one food you eat most often at dinner?

Probably broccoli. It’s the one veggie I always have on hand. I’ll add it to a salad or mix it into my pasta, or have it as a side. I also looove it roasted.

Dessert Questions!

Choose between these two American desserts: cheesecake or apple pie?

HMMM, since dessert is my favorite meal, this is tough. If the apple pie is a la mode, then you just won me over.

Choose between these two foreign desserts: tiramisu (Italy) or flan (Spain)?

I remember making flan in my 6th grade spanish class. It weirded me out. Tiramisu it is!


Enjoy your Labor Day, peeps!


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