Perfection isn’t perfect

For years, I strived for perfection. I wanted the perfect body, I wanted to eat the perfect foods, I wanted to have the most perfect clothes, the perfect friends.

I was exhausted and unsatisfied day in and day out. I realized I had set a goal for myself that I would never, ever reach because it was a moving target. With each day, it grew further and further away. I realized I was no longer living in the moment. I constantly thought about the mistakes i’ve made in the past and was constantly wondering what would come next.

A couple years ago, I was taking a yoga class and the instructor said something that immediately grabbed my attention: “Where you are right now, you are perfect, you are where you’re meant to be”.  At that moment I thought to myself, what the hell am I trying so hard for? I already have everything I need.

That quote has echoed in my head ever since. It reminds me to feel grateful for what I have, rather than feel unsatisfied for what I don’t. It reminds me to stop obsessing over every detail, to stop worrying myself sick over a stupid mistake I made at work, to cut myself a little slack. It keeps me grounded when I get stuck in my own head.

Embrace who you are right now. Not yesterday and not tomorrow.

Have you ever had any similar experiences?


5 thoughts on “Perfection isn’t perfect

  1. I can completely relate to everything in this post. SO beautifully written. And that quote is perfect. (:
    I’m so glad you commented on my blog because I love yours!

  2. Greetings from another (new) DC blogger! It’s so important to learn to live in the moment otherwise you won’t be happy or enjoy life – Definitely needed that advice today.

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