
Hi! I’m Andrea, welcome to my blog!

A little about me:

Life: I’m a 23 year old college grad living in Washington DC.

Education: I graduated from the College of Charleston in 2011 with a B.S in Psychology and a minor in Dance.

Clyde the Cougar, CofC’s mascot.

Work: I’m currently a children’s gymnastics and dance instructor while pursuing a career as a health coach through the Institute of Integrative Nutrition.

Interests: Dancing, teaching, lifting, running, yoga, animals, exploring, traveling, taking pictures.

Philosophy: My goal is live as full a life as possible, and this blog will help me document my journey. I’m passionate about nutrition and exercise, but I believe there is much more to life than that. Life needs fun, friendship, family, laughter, adventures, coffee, and furry friends.

Meet Daisy, my adorable pup.


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